Detailed characterization of the human papillomavirus

At the beginning of the last century, the human papillomavirus was mentioned as the cause of the appearance of warts. But then it turned out that it can lead to the development of genital cancer in both sexes and carcinoma of the throat and rectum. Depending on the spectrum of clinical manifestations, doctors were able to isolate different types of HPV and combine them in a certain system.

Everything you need to know about the human papillomavirus

More and more people are asking: HPV infection: what is it? This abbreviation denotes a group of viruses spread and heterogeneous in their DNA structure, capable of infecting the skin and mucous membranes. Infection with this substance has been going on for a long time. So warts have been known since the time of the Greeks and Romans, and warts of the anogenital area even earlier. The PCR method even managed to isolate HPV type 18 DNA from the mummy of María de Aragón (16th century). And only at the beginning of the 21st century it was possible to influence the spread of a disease-causing agent.

Classification principles

There are various opinions on the number of HPV types. It is officially established that the group includes more than 170 strains. They constitute 5 genres, with about 130 agents described and studied in detail. But scientists already know of nearly 600 types found in humans.

classification of human papillomavirus

HPV as a single species was first recorded in 1971. To date, knowledge about it has been greatly enriched, which served as the impetus for the creation of a classification that reflects not only the species, but also the genus to which the strain belongs. In practice, this is of great importance, as it helps to determine the clinical manifestations and the form of the course of the infection.

Virus types are detected according to the following criteria:

  • transmission method;
  • targets (skin or mucous membranes);
  • diseases that develop as a result of infection;
  • degree of oncogenicity.

Classification according to the degree of carcinogenicity is necessary to prevent the consequences associated with the development of oncological processes.

Types of HPV:

  • low risk - strains 6, 12, 14, 42-44;
  • medium risk: types 31, 35, 51;
  • high risk: 16, 18, 45, 56, 58, 59.

This classification allows you to visually assess the degree of risk and develop an appropriate treatment strategy.

The most dangerous strains

HPV has been shown to be capable of causing excessive growth of the dermis and leading to the formation of benign formations on the face, neck, back and abdomen, each of which looks like a wart, apapilloma, a veruciform dysplasia. But the highly oncogenic pathogen in the vast majority of cases provokes the development of oncology in both men and women. The virus is transmitted primarily through sexual contact and barrier contraceptives cannot provide 100% protection against penetration.

The following strains are considered the most dangerous:

  • Condylomatosis (appearance of spikey growths) - 6, 42.
  • Small flat formations that form on the walls of the vagina and cervical canal - 30, 33, 42, 43, 55, 57, 64, 67.
  • Cervical Carcinoma - 31, 35, 39, 54, 66. HPV types 16 and 18 are considered the most dangerous.

This is important to know!Even after identifying the type of virus, you shouldn't panic, as the most malicious strains can be in a "dormant" state for a long time. Therefore, decades can pass from infection to the formation of cervical cancer.

Penetration of the virus into the body

Papillomavirus is considered highly contagious, and each type can be transmitted by a specific method.

The main options for the penetration of the pathogen into the body of the "victim" are the following:

  1. Sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. The most common method of infection. The danger is represented by traditional and other sexual relationships. Since the pathogen is much smaller than the diameter of the condom's pores, the contraceptive cannot provide 100% protection.
  2. The vertical type of infection involves transmission of the virus from mother to child during delivery. A non-cellular agent can cause laryngeal papillomatosis in a newborn, that is, the formation of growths on the mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth, less often on the genitals.
  3. Transmission of infection by contact and at home is also considered common. Some strains stand out for their vitality, so they can maintain their activity in a humid environment. When visiting saunas, swimming pools, baths, when sharing personal hygiene items, the risk of infection increases, especially if there are invisible micro-damages on the skin.
  4. Self-inoculation or self-infection can occur when a live viral cell is accidentally transferred from a damaged area to healthy parts of the skin during shaving, waxing, and simply due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

This is important to know!The causative agent of high carcinogenic risk is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, and barrier contraceptives do not guarantee complete protection against infection. This is due not only to the small size of the virus, but also to its location on the surface of the dermis, which is not covered by a condom.

Causes of papillomatosis progression

Regardless of the degree of oncogenicity, HPV is characterized by being insidious, that is, it is capable of living in the human body without manifesting itself in any way. Depending on the state of the immune system, the incubation period can last from 2-3 weeks to several decades. Therefore, people without external signs are not even aware of the presence of an infectious agent in their body.

Rapid reproduction also does not start immediately, but only under favorable conditions, that is, the weakening of the defense mechanism, which occurs in the context of the following factors:

  • stress, overwork;
  • poor and monotonous food;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent miscarriages, complications after delivery;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • STIs, including AIDS, HIV, herpes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy period.

The risk group consists mainly of the fairer sex. The likelihood of infection increases in people of reproductive age ages 20 to 45 who are sexually active.

Symptoms at different stages

Human papillomavirus infection can be pronounced, latent, or subclinical. The symptomatic manifestations of the disease are variable, which is due to the type of HPV, its dangerousness. The latent course of the disease is characterized by the absence of signs.

External signals:

  • papillomas;
  • flat and vulgar warts;
  • genital warts.

Forms not visible during external exam:

  • dyskeratosis;
  • koilocytosis;
  • epithelial dysplasia.

Relapses in the context of the papillomavirus appear in the form of the following pathologies:

  • dyskeratosis with mild epithelial changes;
  • dysplasia itself;
  • cancerous tumor;
  • squamous cell carcinoma.

This is important to know!In the case of a virus of a non-oncogenic nature, the formation of localized warts on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet is possible. In the absence of cosmetic discomfort, there is no indication for its removal.

During an exacerbation, the woman has fever, chills, itching, fever, vaginal discharge.

More about the consequences

The type and severity of HPV infection are determined by the activity of the pathogen and its type. When the genotype is affected by a high oncogenic risk, prolonged replication contributes to an increase in the number of cell structures with a genome mutation.

Against the background of bacterial vaginosis, the transformation of the cervical epithelium, as well as a number of other pathological processes that occur in the body, increases the risk of a precancerous stage or the development of a malignant tumor.

The latter include the following statuses.

  1. Cervical cancer. The second disease after breast cancer in women. More than 70% of all cases are caused by the activity of HPV types 16 and 18.
  2. Vaginal and vulvar carcinoma. In the structure of oncopathologies of the anogenital area, it occupies a prominent place. Every 10th case is caused by a low-oncogenic strain 6 or 11, and one third of all diseases are caused by a virus 16 and 18.
  3. Anal cancer. It is detected mainly in women, but it is also registered in homosexual men who practice an unconventional method of intercourse, although doctors do not exclude another route of transmission. The cause of the oncopathology is the activity of HPV types 18 and 16.

Of course, this is not a verdict, but in relation to these data, the need for a full gynecological and cancer diagnosis increases. A comprehensive examination allows early detection of structural changes in cells and tissues, which, in the case of human papillomavirus, helps determine how to treat it correctly.

Diagnostic Procedures

As already mentioned, diagnostic measures play an important role in defeating the body with HPV infection.

The modern exam is conducted with great care and includes several procedures:

methods for diagnosing human papillomavirus
  1. The initial consultation includes a visual examination to identify external signs (warts, papillomas). If growths are found in the urogenital area, the doctor instructs the patient for an additional examination of the cervix or ureteroscopy.
  2. Papanicolaou test or Pap smear. Based on the results, which are divided into classes, the doctor determines the risks of the infectious process. So, 1 and 2 degrees indicate the normal state of tissues, 3 - on the appearance of pathological changes, 4 and 5 classes characterize the presence of oncogenic cells.
  3. Colposcopy. It is carried out in the case of dysplastic changes in the tissues of the cervix. The acetic acid test is prescribed to clarify the activity of the papilloma virus. A positive result appears as a mosaic pattern on the surface of the epithelium.
  4. Histology. The study of a sample of the affected tissue is carried out if it is necessary to study the cells and the pathological changes that occur in them. During the procedure, you can identify particularly large epithelial structures.
  5. PCR. The most common and highly informative test. With the help of the polymerase chain reaction, it is possible to perform typing, determine the degree of oncogenicity and the maximum concentration in the blood.
  6. Digene test. The modern and innovative research method makes it possible to clarify the existing results and determine the probability of oncology education training.

The same diagnostic tactics are used for men. After a visual exam, they send him for tests. Only according to the results of the examination, the specialist can assess the complexity of the clinical case and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment approaches

Today, there are no drugs that can completely and permanently destroy a viral infection in the body. If self-healing has not occurred, the most promising is an integrated combined approach. Treatment of HPV involves the surgical removal of papillomas or warts in the context of systemic therapy with drugs, homeopathic remedies, and the folk method. There are several options for destruction of growths.

Radiosurgical. The formation is removed with a special knife, after which coagulation is carried out and a bandage is applied.

Laser. I walk bloodless and painless. A scab remains at the removal site, below which the healing process takes place. The downside is the appearance of scars.

Electrocoagulation. The procedure is very similar to the previous two in terms of efficiency, cost and effective impact.

Cryodestruction. Treatment of growths of any type with liquid nitrogen. After freezing, they are rejected by the skin. The affordable price, the absence of blood, and the scars make this method the most attractive.

Surgical excision. It is carried out very rarely, only according to indications in case of suspicion of the probability of developing oncology. The growths are removed with a scalpel.

Systemic treatment of the papillomavirus helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces the concentration of the agent's DNA in the blood and prevents the development of malignant processes.

Prescribe pills for this purpose:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antiviral agents;
  • cytostatics.

The duration of treatment is 10 to 14 days. If you have a permanent sexual partner, you need to persuade him to undergo an examination and start therapy. You also shouldn't get rid of the growths yourself.

Preventive measures

Since the human papillomavirus spreads easily among people of all ages, there is no guaranteed way to protect against its penetration. As patient reviews show, vaccination is a reliable option for preventing infection.

prevention of human papillomavirus

Modern medicine offers special serums as a preventive measure. The drugs are produced in suspension form, in disposable syringes, which facilitates the administration of the vaccine and minimizes the risks of infection. Girls and boys from 9 to 14 years old, as well as young women up to 26 years old, are subject to immunization. Serums are well tolerated by the body.

Vaccination is for prophylactic purposes and cannot act as a medicine.

To minimize the risk of developing an infection, you should follow simple recommendations.

  • carefully monitor personal hygiene;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • strengthens immunity by playing sports;
  • only practice protected sex, avoid casual relationships;
  • carefully approach the choice of a sexual partner;
  • to be examined by a gynecologist, venereologist.

Taking your health seriously will help you avoid infection, and if a virus enters, it will reduce the likelihood of spreading it.


HPV is the most common infection that no one can protect against. To prevent the activation of the virus, preventive measures should be followed, and to reduce the risk of oncology, undergo scheduled examinations on time and consult with specialists.